Let’s start!

Hi, I’m Serj. I post my ideas & projects here.
Don’t take it seriously. It’s all about prank, lol & rock’n’roll.


Follow @RageNotFound

Boastie Boys

Thanks @abitan for gif

Idea: Pinterest for boasters.
$: Cooperation with e-shops.


Dish Wish Wash

Idea: Dish wash emulator app.
$: In-app purchases.
Year: 2020


Price of rice in …

Idea: Platform helps you find prices of food in local stores in any country you’re going to visit. Content generated by locals. Interested to nomads & backpackers. Like Numbeo & NomadList.
www.priceofrice.in (domain for sale)
$: Local paid ads

Buckwheat 4 special dudes

Idea: Fake buckwheat store.
Year: April Fools’ Day 2020



Idea: QR codes to sell your car without hassle.
Year: 2019


Blood Sisters

Idea: Personal care sharing app. Search for tampons, pads next to you.
Year: 2019


Open the window Darling!

Original photo by Marie Bellando-Mitjans on Unsplash

Idea: Platform where you can find quadcopter next to you, ready to accomplish your gift delivery mission.
Filtering by : Location, price, gift weight, etc.
$: Owners pay monthly fee to stay available on map/list.


Idea: Pornhub for cats and others
www.makememeow.com (#NSFW)
Year: 2019


Idea: Counting your clicks-squats.
Year: 2019